I felt called to volunteer my time outside of my work day
as a professional audiologist to provide and facilitate a
professionally-led support group for parents of children with hearing
loss. My motivation stemmed from witnessing a need in the clinic
during audiology consultation appointments with parents of children
with newly identified hearing loss. This was solidified by
confirmation of Parent Needs through simple surveys and
questionnaires. Through my studies, I have learned that parent support
is providing parents with a fixed-frequency, re-occurring face-to-face
meeting where relationships with peers can be developed and local
information and education in the area of raising a child with hearing
loss can be obtained. Because of the successful outcomes that I have
witnessed from this support group model, my volunteer efforts have now
continued in the form of promoting a Universal Parent Support Group
(UPSG) to accompany Universal Newborn Hearing Screening (UNHS). If you
are an audiologist and are interested in the idea of a UPSG, please contact me.
-Megan D. Ford, AuD
-Megan D. Ford, AuD
For every 1000 babies born, 2 to 3 of them will have permanent hearing loss. The parents of those 2-3 babies will most likely have normal hearing (over 95% of the time). When parents first learn their child has hearing loss, they probably don't know another parent of a child with hearing loss. Parents often feel they need to learn a lot and gather information about helping their child grow up with hearing loss. Hear My Dreams is a place to meet other parents of children with hearing loss and gather local information.
~Hear My Dreams currently operates solely through volunteer efforts and pro bono services. It is neither a non-profit organization nor a for-profit organization ~