2010 Meetings
January 12, 2010 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM: Parents Met 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM: Guest Speaker:
Beverly Hay, M.D. Dr. Beverly Hay has spent her formative years in California, working in research before choosing to go to medical school to pursue clinical genetics. She received a medical degree from Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia and subsequently trained in Pediatrics at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester, New York. Dr. Hay completed a fellowship in Genetics at the National Institutes of Health, where she worked on a gene therapy project for immune deficiencies. Dr. Hay has been on staff at UMass Memorial for over 6 years, and chief of the division of Genetics for the last 3. She states “I am happiest when working with families, and get satisfaction from both addressing concerns and contributing to coordination of care between providers.”
March 9, 2010 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM: Parents Met 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM:
Guest Speaker: Ann Gleason, M.S. Ms. Gleason is a Teacher of the Deaf who has a class of hearing impaired children in the CASE Collaborative Preschool program in Concord, MA. She holds a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, Canada, and a Master of Science degree in Deaf Education from Canisius College in Buffalo, NY. She also studied speech pathology and audiology at Eastern Illinois University. She taught a self-contained class of Kindergarten children who were hearing impaired in Cedar Rapids, Iowa for three years, and spent another two years as an itinerant teacher, serving youngsters with hearing loss from two to sixteen years of age. She lived overseas for 12 years while her husband worked for the U.N. During this time, she tutored Canadian children in Ghana, and taught typical preschool students at the American Preschool in Ankara, Turkey. Ms. Gleason and her family relocated to Massachusetts, and she joined the CASE Hearing, Speech and Language Preschool program in 1992. She continues to teach and help her students develop the communication skills they will need to be successful in a general education setting.
May 11, 2010 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM: Parents Met 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM:
Guest Speaker: Joanne Travers, MIM Mrs. Travers is a hearing parent of two children born with hearing loss. Inspired by her children, Joanne Travers founded and directs Partners for A Greater Voice, a non-profit organization that provides professional development and training opportunities in developing countries. Advocating for spoken language, the organization helps parents and provides training to professionals vested in helping children who are deaf learn to listen and speak. She has worked in the Dominican Republic for seven years. Mrs. Travers started a parent resource and network called Parent Connection in 1995, and in 2005 she incorporated the Massachusetts Chapter of Alexander Graham Bell Association, merging the parent-to-parent network. As Past President, the chapter currently serves more than 250 constituents. Mrs. Travers served two three-year terms as an elected Board of Director of The Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf based in Washington, D.C. Mrs. Travers presents self-published Hearing Loss and Technology, an awareness program for elementary school students. She has presented at conferences, including Northeastern University, the Clarke School Mainstream Conference, and the A.G. Bell Association’s 2004 Bi-annual Convention. She is a Rotarian and social entrepreneurial, who currently focuses on humanitarian Hearing Health initiatives in developing countries. Through her international work, Mrs. Travers has presented and/or coordinated over 75 different workshops. Mrs. Travers completed her B.A. in 1985 and her Masters in International Management from the University of Denver and the Graduate School for International Studies in 1993. Mrs. Travers received a certificate in Parent Advocacy from the Federation for Children with Special Needs.
September 14, 2010 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM: Guest Speaker 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM: Parents Met David Luterman, D.Ed Dr. Luterman is Professor Emeritus Emerson College in Boston and Director of the Thayer Lindsey Family Centered Nursery for Hearing Impaired Children. He has dedicated his career to developing a greater understanding of the psychological effects and emotions associated with hearing impairment and the caregiver role so as to encourage professionals in the field of communication disorders to incorporate counseling strategies in their clinical interactions. He has successfully translated this understanding into a model of counseling which allows for content and affect exchange. He has lectured and written extensively on counseling and deafness throughout the United States, Canada and abroad. He is a fellow of the American Speech and Hearing Association. He is author of: Counseling Parents of Hearing Impaired Children (1979,Little Brown), Deafness in Perspective (1986, College Hill), Deafness in the Family (1987,College-Hill), In the Shadows (1995, Jade Press), When Your Child is Deaf (2001,York Press), The Young Deaf Child (1999,York Press), Early Childhood Deafness Edited with Ellen Kurtzer- White (York Press, 2001), Hearing Loss in Children: A Family Guide ( Auricle Ink Press,2006) and Counseling Persons with Communication Disorders and Their Families 5th edition (2008), Pro-Ed)
Dr. Luterman's On Parenting a Child with Hearing Loss
Beverly Hay, M.D. Dr. Beverly Hay has spent her formative years in California, working in research before choosing to go to medical school to pursue clinical genetics. She received a medical degree from Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia and subsequently trained in Pediatrics at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester, New York. Dr. Hay completed a fellowship in Genetics at the National Institutes of Health, where she worked on a gene therapy project for immune deficiencies. Dr. Hay has been on staff at UMass Memorial for over 6 years, and chief of the division of Genetics for the last 3. She states “I am happiest when working with families, and get satisfaction from both addressing concerns and contributing to coordination of care between providers.”
March 9, 2010 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM: Parents Met 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM:
Guest Speaker: Ann Gleason, M.S. Ms. Gleason is a Teacher of the Deaf who has a class of hearing impaired children in the CASE Collaborative Preschool program in Concord, MA. She holds a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, Canada, and a Master of Science degree in Deaf Education from Canisius College in Buffalo, NY. She also studied speech pathology and audiology at Eastern Illinois University. She taught a self-contained class of Kindergarten children who were hearing impaired in Cedar Rapids, Iowa for three years, and spent another two years as an itinerant teacher, serving youngsters with hearing loss from two to sixteen years of age. She lived overseas for 12 years while her husband worked for the U.N. During this time, she tutored Canadian children in Ghana, and taught typical preschool students at the American Preschool in Ankara, Turkey. Ms. Gleason and her family relocated to Massachusetts, and she joined the CASE Hearing, Speech and Language Preschool program in 1992. She continues to teach and help her students develop the communication skills they will need to be successful in a general education setting.
May 11, 2010 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM: Parents Met 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM:
Guest Speaker: Joanne Travers, MIM Mrs. Travers is a hearing parent of two children born with hearing loss. Inspired by her children, Joanne Travers founded and directs Partners for A Greater Voice, a non-profit organization that provides professional development and training opportunities in developing countries. Advocating for spoken language, the organization helps parents and provides training to professionals vested in helping children who are deaf learn to listen and speak. She has worked in the Dominican Republic for seven years. Mrs. Travers started a parent resource and network called Parent Connection in 1995, and in 2005 she incorporated the Massachusetts Chapter of Alexander Graham Bell Association, merging the parent-to-parent network. As Past President, the chapter currently serves more than 250 constituents. Mrs. Travers served two three-year terms as an elected Board of Director of The Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf based in Washington, D.C. Mrs. Travers presents self-published Hearing Loss and Technology, an awareness program for elementary school students. She has presented at conferences, including Northeastern University, the Clarke School Mainstream Conference, and the A.G. Bell Association’s 2004 Bi-annual Convention. She is a Rotarian and social entrepreneurial, who currently focuses on humanitarian Hearing Health initiatives in developing countries. Through her international work, Mrs. Travers has presented and/or coordinated over 75 different workshops. Mrs. Travers completed her B.A. in 1985 and her Masters in International Management from the University of Denver and the Graduate School for International Studies in 1993. Mrs. Travers received a certificate in Parent Advocacy from the Federation for Children with Special Needs.
September 14, 2010 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM: Guest Speaker 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM: Parents Met David Luterman, D.Ed Dr. Luterman is Professor Emeritus Emerson College in Boston and Director of the Thayer Lindsey Family Centered Nursery for Hearing Impaired Children. He has dedicated his career to developing a greater understanding of the psychological effects and emotions associated with hearing impairment and the caregiver role so as to encourage professionals in the field of communication disorders to incorporate counseling strategies in their clinical interactions. He has successfully translated this understanding into a model of counseling which allows for content and affect exchange. He has lectured and written extensively on counseling and deafness throughout the United States, Canada and abroad. He is a fellow of the American Speech and Hearing Association. He is author of: Counseling Parents of Hearing Impaired Children (1979,Little Brown), Deafness in Perspective (1986, College Hill), Deafness in the Family (1987,College-Hill), In the Shadows (1995, Jade Press), When Your Child is Deaf (2001,York Press), The Young Deaf Child (1999,York Press), Early Childhood Deafness Edited with Ellen Kurtzer- White (York Press, 2001), Hearing Loss in Children: A Family Guide ( Auricle Ink Press,2006) and Counseling Persons with Communication Disorders and Their Families 5th edition (2008), Pro-Ed)
Dr. Luterman's On Parenting a Child with Hearing Loss
November 9, 2010 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM: Parents Met 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM: Invited Guest Speaker: Lisa Adams, J.D.
Lisa Adams lives in Netwon, MA with her husband and three sons, an eight-year old and six-year old twins. An alumnae of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and Suffolk Law School, Lisa practiced law in the area of labor and employment until her twins were born in 2004. Currently, she works part-time from home. Her twins were diagnosed with a mild-to-moderate sensorineural hearing loss at birth and have worn hearing aids since they were infants. Lisa began working on hearing aid legislation in Massachusetts four years ago and in 2009, she started the Massachusetts Hearing Aids for Children Coalition (MassHAFCC) along with five other parents of children with hearing loss. The group continues to advocate for a law that would compel insurance companies in Massachusetts to cover the cost of hearing aids for children.
To learn more please view this Powerpoint presentation.
Sign the petition for access to hearing aids for children in Massachusetts now!
Join Yahoo Groups for MassHAFCC in order to updated on what you can do.
Visit the MassHAFCC Facebook page.
Lisa Adams lives in Netwon, MA with her husband and three sons, an eight-year old and six-year old twins. An alumnae of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and Suffolk Law School, Lisa practiced law in the area of labor and employment until her twins were born in 2004. Currently, she works part-time from home. Her twins were diagnosed with a mild-to-moderate sensorineural hearing loss at birth and have worn hearing aids since they were infants. Lisa began working on hearing aid legislation in Massachusetts four years ago and in 2009, she started the Massachusetts Hearing Aids for Children Coalition (MassHAFCC) along with five other parents of children with hearing loss. The group continues to advocate for a law that would compel insurance companies in Massachusetts to cover the cost of hearing aids for children.
To learn more please view this Powerpoint presentation.
Sign the petition for access to hearing aids for children in Massachusetts now!
Join Yahoo Groups for MassHAFCC in order to updated on what you can do.
Visit the MassHAFCC Facebook page.